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Christmas Tea Gala
All ladies, you are invited to a Christmas Tea Gala on Sat., December 7th @ Noon, located in the Church Fellowship Hall.
Please bring your favorite tea, teapot, teacup & saucer to the event.
Don’t forget to wear your hats & gloves, and bring with you a tasty treat such as scones, chocolate strawberries, finger sandwiches or petit fours.
There will also be a gift exchange with gifts $10 or less and childcare will be provided on site so ladies get signed up today!
There is a sign up sheet located in the church foyer!
If you have any questions please reach out to Pam Gause @ 904.759.4847.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 28th, from 12pm-2pm, CrossPointe will be providing Thanksgiving Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
This dinner is provided by the Church and all are welcome to join.
If you or someone you know needs a Blessed Thanksgiving Dinner, please join us!

- Once every quarter – Finance Committee Meeting
- Once a month – Church Council Meeting
- Every other month – Deacons Meeting